Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Road to Guantanamo

Michael Winterbottom and Mat Whitecross's 'Road to Guantanamo' is a documentary about four boys (in the end three) who journey to Pakistan, then Afghanistan and are captured by the Northern Alliance before being handed over to American forces. They then spend two years being abused, mistreated and tortured by the American army in Guantanamo Bay.

I thought this was a really good eye opening documentary. Although being anti-war and anti-american it is a very different type of film then those of Michael Moore. I liked the way that they had actors as well as the actual boys, so that their story was acted out as they narrated it, I think this was a really clever way to tell the story.

I was interested for the whole movie, but I must say that one thing that disappointed me was that throughout the movie we are shown horrific images and told about horrible acts of cruelty, but the boys were so dismissive of the whole experience. I am aware it would have been horrendous but they really seemed to shrug it off as nothing, and this felt like a slight contradiction. It would have been nice to see some more emotion from them about the issue.

Overall though, a really good documentary that anyone other than strong american supporters could enjoy.

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